There is a beautiful, free, 7 Days Of Rest Annual Global Online Event that runs from January 1 – 7, with many many offerings, from people around the world, all about Rest, Re-Calibration, Rejuvenation . . .
I have joined it this year, offering up my film for a free screening for anyone who would like a 1/2 hour deep meditative dive into the Beauty, the Wonder & the Teachings of the Forest.
The 7 Days Of Rest event runs from January 1 – 7, but …
Many offerings are available to view, up on that website even now:
7 Days Of Rest
And you can watch my film anytime now with this link:
Click For Film
“Inspired by the recognition of the extraordinary healing and restorative power of Rest. Learning and returning to Nature’s ways of rest is seen as one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, our communities, Mother Earth, and the entire community of Life.” ~7 Days Of Rest
“7 Days of Rest, January 1–7, is an annual, free co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.
Together we Honor, Celebrate and Cultivate Rest as an Essential Foundation
for the Healing and Thriving of Earth, Humanity and All of Life.”
To learn more and join this event, please visit: