
Oil on Canvas 16″ X 12″

‘Deep Winter Portals’

The irresistible invitation to enter,
deeper and deeper into the pristine beauty of the silent, beckoning, way.

It smells of purity, clean and fresh, and cold.

The stillness soaks into my bones, I feel the profound calmness within me,
and it brings joy ~ of being alive in this beautiful world.

Oh my, I love the snow.


What I wanted this painting to express is that feeling of being unable to stop yourself from being drawn in,

and the excitement of immersing yourself into a wonderland of winter.


This mountainous West Kootenay region of Canada gets a real winter ~ lots of glorious snow ~ mostly between November and March or so,  five feet falling on average (less in the valley bottoms and much more way high up in the heights), with the temperature not usually extremely cold ~ averaging just a few degrees below freezing.


~Barbara Brown, from Volume I, SYLVAN REFLECTIONS, Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings From the Forest, Page 73